
Corruption of champions revamp mod golden rind
Corruption of champions revamp mod golden rind

  1. #Corruption of champions revamp mod golden rind skin
  2. #Corruption of champions revamp mod golden rind Pc

Change to decrease femininty by 3, to a minimum of 5.If the character has one or more cocks, they increase in size.If the character has rubber or latex skin, hair becomes 'rubbery' or 'latex-textured' respectively.

#Corruption of champions revamp mod golden rind skin

Change character's skin to 'smooth' skin, removing fur or scales.If either Amily or Marble have cocks then they may be given pink eggs to remove them. If Amily is a follower she may be fed white, brown, or purple eggs. If a character has Marble as a follower, she may be given oviposition elixirs and will birth an egg of a random color. These eggs can be birthed by a player character after consuming an Oviposition Elixir, or if the character has the Bunny Eggs or Oviposition perks. The "(save for the color)" part of the description only appears on non-White eggs.Something tells you it's more than just food. This is an oblong egg, not much different from a chicken egg in appearance (save for the color)*. Latex Goo-Girl can be created from a regular goo girl using 1 black egg of any size and 1 regular or pure succubus milk.Kelt can be turned female using 3 doses each of either 15 x (succubus milk) or 10 x (succubuses milk) + 1 x (pink egg).Marble as a follower may be fed a pink egg to remove a cock.If amily has a cock a pink egg can be used to remove it. Amily as a follower may be fed white, brown, or purple eggs.Eaten by the player to result in a transformation (see egg description for resulting effects).Leads to discussion about whether to fertilize them or not, and which color to produce. Arian if she transformed to a female lizan.Ember's unhatched egg (dragon) is randomly found in the swamp, it can be eaten or taken back to camp to be hatched.

#Corruption of champions revamp mod golden rind Pc

  • Ember - Can be configured to lay dragon eggs or impregnate the PC with them if he/she is treated with an Oviposition Elixir before hatching.
  • Will give birth to an egg of random color before you leave the scene.
  • Blonde Forest Kitsune - Can sometimes be force fed oviposition elixer after being beaten in a fight.
  • Sophie as a follower may be given Oviposition Elixir and will birth an egg of a random color.
  • Marble as a follower may be given an Oviposition Elixir and will birth an egg of a random color.
  • She charges 2 ovi elixers for a small egg and 3 for a large egg.
  • Chicken Harpy at the High Mountain will trade her eggs of any common color that you choose in exchange for giving her ovi elixers.
  • Easter: If the player's system time is set between the 7th and the 10th of April (Easter weekend in 2012), there is a chance that enemies will drop a random egg instead of their usual loot.
  • Bunny girl in the plains gives out Neon Pink Eggs.
  • Tamani may drop a Large Blue Egg when defeated.
  • The Oviposition perk counts as an automatic Oviposition Elixir ever 30 days (or 15 if highly fertile).
  • The Bunny Eggs perk counts as an automatic Oviposition Elixir ever 30 days (or 15 if highly fertile).
  • Lights is a special encounter at the Lake which will give an option to choose the color of the current batch of eggs.
  • There is no known way to change them back to small eggs (but the next batch will start out small again).
  • When the PC is already pregnant with small eggs, consuming another Ovi-elixir may cause them to become large eggs instead.
  • Oviposition Elixir when consumed by a character with a vagina who is not currently pregnant will result in becoming pregnant with small eggs of a random color (from the common colors), one of which may be kept after birthing.

  • Corruption of champions revamp mod golden rind